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Home » Patrice Kayo a Bafoussa (1942-)

Patrice Kayo a Bafoussa (1942-)

Patrice Kayo a Bafoussa is a poet based in Bandjoun, Cameroon. He is the author of children’s books, novels, and criticism. He held the position of chairman of the National Association of Poets and Writers of Cameroon from 1969-198. He also helped found the International Federation of French-Speaking Writers. His books include Les Proverbes Bamileke, Anthologie de La Poesie Camerounasie de Languae Francaise and Chansons Populaires Bamilekes. His criticisms include Panorama de la Littérature Camerounaise and his collection are Hymnes et Sagesse, Paroles Intimes, and En Attendant l’Aurore. His poems have been translated into English in The Penguin Book of Modern African Poetry.

Information from the Poetry Foundation.

Chansons populaires bamiléké suivies de Déchirements (Poésie noire) (French Edition) by [Patrice Kayo]



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